Vision, Mission and Values


Our vision is to revolutionize the world of publishing in the digital age by making it simple, accessible, and successful for all.

We are committed to supporting publishing houses and publishing professionals in navigating the digital age.

To achieve this goal, we offer simple, customized, and expertly developed systems that empower publishers and publishing professionals around the globe to succeed in the digital space. Whether you're a small independent publisher or a large multinational organization, we are committed to empowering you to understand and leverage your data so you can succeed as a publisher in the digital age.

We understand that the publishing industry is constantly evolving, and we are here to provide the tools and support they need to thrive in this changing landscape. By constantly improving and expanding our software offerings and working closely with publishing houses and industry professionals, we aim to help people around the globe connect, communicate, and collaborate in meaningful ways.


We aim to challenge the understanding and playing rules of publishing in the digital age.

At Nightingale, we are committed to challenging the traditional understanding and playing rules of digital publishing in order to make it more accessible, simple, and successful for all.

This is how we do it:

  • By offering innovative solutions: We are constantly looking for new and better ways to solve the challenges of digital publishing, and we are not afraid to take risks and think outside the box.

  • By breaking down barriers: We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to share their stories and ideas with the world, regardless of their technical expertise or resources. Our software is designed to be easy to use and customize, so that anyone can create and share great content.

  • By collaborating with industry leaders: We believe that great things are achieved through collaboration, and we are committed to working with industry leaders and experts to develop new standards and best practices in digital publishing.

  • By advocating for accessibility: We are committed to making our software and products accessible to people of all abilities, and we will continue to advocate for accessibility in the digital publishing industry as a whole.

By challenging the traditional understanding and playing rules of digital publishing, we want to empower people around the globe to connect, communicate, and collaborate in meaningful ways.

We aim to provide simple, customised and expertly developed systems that allow publishers and rights-holders worldwide to succeed in digital publishing.

At Nightingale, we understand that the world of digital publishing can be complex and overwhelming, especially for those who do not have the technical expertise.

Our solutions are designed to streamline the publishing process, from content creation and distribution to analytics and monetization. We provide all the tools and support you need to bring your stories to life and reach your audience effectively, without the need to worry about the technical details.

In addition to our software solutions, we also offer expert support and training to help our publishers get the most out of our products. Whether you need help with a specific feature or have a question about the publishing process, our team is always here to assist you.

By providing simple, customised, and expertly developed systems, we aim to make digital publishing accessible and successful for everyone, no matter their level of technical expertise.

We aim to create and maintain a healthy and inspiring working environment for ourselves and our partners.

At Nightingale, we believe that a healthy and inspiring working environment is essential to the success of our business and the satisfaction of our customers. That's why we are committed to creating and maintaining such an environment for ourselves and our partners.

We understand that technology has the power to both positively and negatively impact personal well-being. That's why we are committed to developing software that promotes healthy digital habits and improves personal well-being.

One way we do this is by offering tools and features that help users manage their time and prioritize their tasks which can help users focus on the most important tasks and avoid distractions.

We also strive to design our software in a way that is intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing. By making our software easy to use and enjoyable to work with, we aim to help users feel more productive and fulfilled in their work.

Finally, we are committed to building features that promote connectivity and collaboration, which can have positive effects on personal well-being. By enabling users to connect with others and work together on projects, we hope to foster a sense of community and purpose, which can have a positive impact on mental health, team performance and overall well-being.

Overall, by promoting healthy digital habits and improving personal well-being, we hope to help our users thrive as publishers in the digital age.


At Nightingale, we are committed to the following values:


We believe that everyone should have equal access to information and the opportunity to express themselves. Our software is designed to be accessible to people of all abilities, and we are constantly looking for ways to improve and expand our offerings in this area.


We are always looking for new and better ways to do things, and we encourage our team and partners to think creatively and challenge the status quo.


We strive for excellence in everything we do, from the quality of our software to the level of customer service we provide.


We believe that great things are achieved through teamwork and collaboration. We encourage open communication and a spirit of partnership with our customers, team members, and partners.